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AmeriCorps VISTA Members Serving Their Communities

Over the past several years, Cities of Service has created and implemented several programs that embed AmeriCorps VISTA members in nearly 40 city halls. Our partnership with AmeriCorps VISTA places an emphasis on building capacity and creating sustainable solutions for low-income communities. These young men and women help city staff develop programs, manage projects, raise awareness, and build the cities’ capacity to work with citizens to solve problems.

The program also prepares the AmeriCorps VISTA members, many of whom are recent college graduates, for future employment. After completing their terms of service, more than 30% of Cities of Service AmeriCorps VISTA members have been hired to work in city hall and partner organizations, using the skills they gained and building on relationships they developed during their service year as they continue to serve communities in need.

Seattle, Washington

AmeriCorps VISTA Member Laura Jenkins

New Orleans, Louisiana

AmeriCorps VISTA Member Sam Gordon
AmeriCorps VISTA Member Katie White
AmeriCorps VISTA Member Alex Cupo