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Grantee City

Columbia is a participant in the Cities of Service Experience Matters program. Through the program, participating cities engage residents and other local stakeholders and draw upon the experience and expertise of adults aged 50+ to build stronger cities. Cities of Service provides each city with $25,000 and two years of technical assistance and places two full-time AmeriCorps VISTA members in each city hall to build capacity for resident engagement. Learn more about the work that Columbia is doing in partnership with residents.

Mayor Daniel J. Rickenmann

Daniel Rickenmann is the son of Swiss immigrants. His family immigrated to the United States in 1967. Daniel was born in 1969 and was raised in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Daniel’s father passed away when he was 8 years old, and he was raised by his single mother in a household where they spoke two languages.

He came to the University of South Carolina in 1987 to attend the only program in the Southeast for students with dyslexia. He fell in love with Columbia and never left.

After graduating, Rickenmann worked two jobs and saved up to start his own business. His successful restaurant led to more opportunities to invest and grow in Columbia’s community.

In 2009, Rickenmann founded a renewable energy company with innovative solutions on generating power in local communities.

Rickenmann has served two stints on Columbia city council. He was both an at-large member, representing the whole city, and the member from District 4.

Daniel is married to Dr. Laura Rickenmann, a local pediatrician. Together, they have two daughters, Ellie and Carlyle, and two dogs, Lulu and Quila.