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Grantee City

If left unattended, invasive species can grow rapidly, damaging natural vegetation and altering ecosystems. Citizen volunteers are helping make Duluth a greener, safer city through park revitalization, litter removal, invasive species intervention, and tree and vegetable planting programs. Through the Duluth Invaders program, citizen volunteers aim to control invasive plants and foster a healthy ecosystem for native flora and fauna. Citizens working with the City of Duluth assist in removing terrestrial invasive plants and help to restore damaged lands.

Duluth has been a member of the Cities of Service coalition since 2012, when former Mayor Don Ness signed the Declaration of Service. Current Mayor Emily Larson reaffirmed the city’s commitment to service when she signed the Declaration again in 2016.

Mayor Emily Larson

Emily Larson was elected Mayor of Duluth in November 2015 with 72% of the vote. She was inaugurated on January 4th, 2016, and reelected in November 2019.

Prior to becoming Mayor, Emily was President of the Duluth City Council, served as a commissioner on the Duluth Economic Development Authority, and was the Council conduit to Parks and Libraries.

Currently, Mayor Larson serves on the Executive Council of the Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota, the Mayors Advisory Council on Coastal Resilience, the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund Board of Directors, Minnesota Mayors Together, and the Minnesota Sea Grant Advisory Board. As Mayor, her priorities include: addressing economic, racial, and opportunity disparities city-wide; advancing energy efficiency and climate resilience; increasing and improving our affordable housing stock; ensuring every resident has access to reliable, high-speed broadband internet, and; continuing to grow Duluth’s robust and unique economy.

Emily earned an undergraduate degree from the College of St. Scholastica, a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota Duluth, and is a graduate of Intermedia Arts Creative Community Leadership Institute.

She is an active trail runner and full-time admirer of Lake Superior. Emily is married to Doug Zaun and together they have two grown sons.

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