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A top priority of Mayor Lauren Poe’s administration is to become the most citizen-centric city in the world. Gainesville recently commissioned a Blue Ribbon Report, which developed a roadmap to make the city more competitive and citizen-centered. Gainesville used the report to create an extensive strategic plan, part of which involves the creation of a civic corps of volunteers to help solve community issues.

Gainesville has been a member of the Cities of Service coalition since 2017, when Mayor Poe signed the Declaration of Service.

Mayor Lauren Poe

Prior to being elected mayor in 2016, Mayor Lauren Poe served six years on the Gainesville City Commission. His service on the commission included a year as mayor-commissioner pro tem, chair of the Community Redevelopment Agency, chair of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization, chair of the Regional Utilities Committee, and chair of the Recreation, Cultural Affairs & Public Works Committee.

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