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Grantee City

The Kenney Administration has made it a top priority for all Philadelphians to become more civically engaged. Through SERVE Philadelphia, the Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service builds relationships, solicits input, provides information, and connects community residents to resources to strengthen communities across Philadelphia. The city’s Community Engagement Program and the Volunteer Engagement Program serve as connectors that source and create meaningful service opportunities that impact the communities across Philadelphia.

Philadelphia has been a member of the Cities of Service coalition since 2009, when former Mayor Michael Nutter signed the Declaration of Service. Current Mayor Jim Kenney reaffirmed the city’s commitment to service by signing the Declaration again in 2016.

Mayor Jim Kenney

Prior to being elected Mayor in 2016, Jim Kenney served as Democratic City Councilman At-Large. In city council, Mayor Kenney stood up for Philadelphia's working families and led the way on broader protections for the LGBTQ community. As mayor, he is focused on moving all of Philadelphia's neighborhoods forward by investing in schools, jobs, and improving the relationship between community and police.

Chief Service Officer Stephanie Monahon

Stephanie Monahon serves as the Chief Service Officer, overseeing the Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service for the City of Philadelphia. In this role, Monahon is responsible for the city's volunteer programs, including, but not limited to, SERVE Philadelphia, AmeriCorps VISTA, and the Foster Grandparent Program.

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