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Before the creation of the first mobile municipal Tool Lending Center (TLC) in Texas, Round Rock neighborhoods did not have access to tools or volunteer outreach for neighborhood cleanups, preventing residents – particularly elderly or disabled citizens – from maintaining their properties.

Making neighborhood revitalization a priority, city leaders created a new position and program that would inspire residents to have pride in their community and to work together as neighbors to beautify their homes. In 2013, Joe Brehm, Community Development Administrator, concluded there needed to be a cleanup program that would help people help themselves. This led to the creation of a mobile Tool Lending Center. The TLC is stocked with over 300 tools (including lawn mowers, weed trimmers, rakes, shovels, and much more) that residents can borrow at no charge, use on their project and then return.

In April 2014, the TLC made its first deployment at a downtown neighborhood cleanup. The city networked with various local churches before the event to supply volunteers to work on the homes of those in need, creating the largest Impact Volunteering project in City of Round Rock history. Since then, the TLC and cleanup program have become an integral part of city neighborhood services. To date, 2,930 tools have been checked out for various cleanup events.

Round Rock has been a member of the Cities of Service coalition since 2018, when Mayor Craig Morgan signed the Declaration of Service.

Mayor Craig Morgan

Craig Morgan was elected to serve as Mayor of Round Rock in May 2017. Prior to being elected to his current seat, he served as Councilmember from May 2011 through May 2017, and was selected as Mayor Pro-Tem in June 2016. He is the first Round Rock Mayor to sign the declaration of service to join the Cities of Service coalition.

Community Development Administrator Joseph Brehm

Joseph Brehm has been the Community Development Administrator for the City of Round Rock, Texas for 5 years. He built a neighborhood services program from the ground up that now includes national and state award winning programs. These programs include the Tool Lending Center, Round Rock Citizens UniverCity, and the Annual Round Rock Neighborhood Leader Conference among others.