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Mayor Linda Redmon

Mayor Linda Redmon took the oath of office on December 7, 2021.

As a City Council member from 2018-2021, Mayor Redmon enjoyed collaborating with the Council, the Mayor, City staff, and community to keep Snohomish special and to ensure this is a community we can all be proud to live in.

Mayor Redmon approaches city issues with an eye to equity and fairness, ensuring that all community members are heard and represented. She encourages greater youth involvement and works directly with the Youth Council. Mayor Redmon is a passionate advocate for public safety issues and advocates for greater awareness and implementation of emergency planning and preparedness by community members.

When she's not busy helping lead the City of Snohomish, Mayor Redmon is active in the community, especially around youth-related issues. She helps run her husband's psychology practice and has a background in nutrition, natural medicine, higher education and psychology practice and research.

While in office, Mayor Redmon hopes to bring representation to the needs of the whole community, especially those who don't normally get to speak up, like young families, low-income residents, and the elderly. As Mayor, she launched MAGIC - the Mayor's Advisory Group for an Inclusive Community - to help keep Snohomish a community that is open and welcoming to all.

Mayor Redmon encourages you to reach out to her via phone, text, email, postal mail, in the grocery store, and on Facebook, Nextdoor and Twitter should you have any issue you would like to discuss.

Administrative Responsibilities
Under the new form of government, the mayor serves as the chief executive to administer the city government on a day-to-day basis.

Mayor Redmon hired Heather Thomas as City Administrator in 2022, who has a 20+ year career in public service, most recently with the Snohomish Health District.

The Council is responsible as the legislative branch of government and for adopting various policies, ordinances, resolutions, contracts and budgets.

As a “strong mayor,” (as defined by state law) the mayor has duties including the hiring and firing of staff, negotiating labor agreements, managing city finances and developing proposed policies and future budgets for City Council approval.

Mayor-Council Relationship
In brief, the Council’s role is to adopt policies for the city and it is the Mayor’s role to carry out those policies.

The mayor chairs City Council meetings, but may vote only to break a tie vote of the Council on matters other than the passage of any ordinance, grant, or revocation of franchise or license, or any resolution for the payment of money.

Ordinances adopted by the City Council may be vetoed by the mayor, though the City Council may override such vetoes with a majority plus one of the whole membership (5 votes).

The Council continues to be responsible for adopting various policies, ordinances, resolutions, contracts and budgets. Instead of electing a mayor among its members to serve for two year terms, as it had in the past, the Council may elect a councilmember as mayor pro tem or similar title. The mayor pro tem would chair Council meetings and substitute for the mayor only in the absence of the mayor.

The City Council continues to be comprised of seven members elected at large for staggered, four-year terms.

Mayor’s Term of Office
The mayor serves a four-year term ending on December 31, 2025.

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