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With the support of the city’s chief executive and leader of the council, Swindon is working to help isolated elderly residents stay independent through the Swindon Circles initiative.

Swindon Circles, a citizen engagement and volunteerism initiative, ties together the interests and availability of the citizen volunteers with the needs and interests of the older participants. This support ranges from simply befriending and spending time with the older participant, to getting them out and about, to helping them around the house and supporting their health and wellbeing. In turn, this work is helping to reduce the number of residents entering social care. With Swindon Circles, the city is successfully engaging volunteers to help keep elderly residents independent and reduce social isolation across the town.

Swindon has been a member of the Cities of Service coalition since 2014.

Councillor David Renard, Leader of Swindon Borough Council

As leader of the Council of Swindon, Councillor David Renard supports the city's effective citizen engagement and volunteerism programs, including Swindon Circles.

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