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Grantee City

Washington, D.C., is a participant in the Cities of Service Guiding Opportunities program. Through the program, participating cities engage residents and other local stakeholders to create Opportunity Zone investments that benefit local communities. Cities of Service provides each city with $25,000 and two years of technical assistance and places two full-time AmeriCorps VISTA members in each city hall to build capacity for resident engagement.

Mayor Muriel Bowser has continued the District’s commitment to empowering citizen volunteers to achieve the city’s goals, with a special focus on building pathways to the middle class. Through partnerships with local stakeholders, Mayor Bowser and her administration have continued to develop and assist a broad coalition of community-based nonprofits working together to support asset-building services, and to engage citizen volunteers in the process whenever possible.​​

Mayor Muriel Bowser

Since taking office in January 2015, Mayor Muriel Bowser has made engaging citizens and harnessing fresh ideas her top priority. In everything she does, the mayor puts District residents first, and ensures that the city’s priorities match the peoples’ priorities. She holds community engagement forums to solicit public input prior to finalizing her fiscal year budget. She is also creating a more transparent and open government through a cutting edge open data policy.