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Experience Matters

Experience Matters is a Cities of Service program in partnership with AARP that draws upon the experience and expertise of adults aged 50+ to build stronger cities.

See photos from our 2019 Experience Matters Academy in Washington, D.C. 

Five participating cities are engaging residents aged 50+ to tackle a public problem that contributes to poverty in their city, ranging from financial insecurity to property code violations. Each city receives $30,000 and technical assistance from Cities of Service. Two full-time AmeriCorps VISTA members serve in each city hall to build capacity and raise awareness for the initiatives.

In addition to providing funding and technical assistance to cities throughout the duration of the program, Cities of Service helps recruit and select AmeriCorps VISTA members, provides pre-program training in our proven citizen engagement model, assists with project design, offers expert and peer-learning opportunities through site visits and convenings, and promotes projects to encourage replication of best practices by other cities.

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