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Our Team

Talia Ramella,
Senior Program Associate

Talia works as a Senior Program Associate, providing programmatic design and technical support to grantee cities and AmeriCorps VISTA members across multiple programs.

Before joining the team full-time, Talia served two terms as a VISTA member with Cities of Service, first as a Love Your Block VISTA member in the City of Phoenix and as a VISTA leader in the Cities of Service office. While at the City of Phoenix, she worked alongside city employees, community-based organizations, and neighborhood groups to build capacity and administer the Love Your Block program. As a VISTA leader, she supported 20 AmeriCorps VISTA members across the country by providing technical assistance and coaching.

Talia earned bachelor degrees in Psychology and Human and Family Development from Arizona State University. She is originally from the Valley of the Sun – Phoenix, AZ; she currently lives in Brooklyn.

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